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[论文]Long Cheng:To leave or not to leave? ‘Intention’ is the question. Investigating farmers' decision behaviours of participating in contemporary China's rural resettlement programme

发布日期:2022-09-26    作者:     来源:     点击:

Abstract:Massive Development-induced Displacement and Resettlement have been taking places globally, in which China accounts for the major proportion. In recent years, resettlement in China was greatly promoted since the introduction of the Link Policy, which calls for rural resettlement and land consolidation to offer space for urban development. Consequently, cases of violations of farmers' interests appears constantly. This study aims to analyse farmers' decision behaviours of participating in the Link Policy so as to provide policy recommendations for local governments to protect farmers' interests during the resettlement process. With the Theory of Planned Behaviour and case study method, findings from this research show that farmers' subjective norm, perceived behaviour control and attitude are all significantly influencing their behavioural intentions of participation. Corresponding to the more detailed factor analysis results for each construct of TPB, policy recommendations are provided to secure farmers' land use rights and related interests and contribute to achieving a more successful and peaceful rural resettlement under the Link Policy in China's rapid urbanisation and industrialisation process. Reflections of the Link Policy in China can also shed lights on the implementations of resettlement programmes in many other countries.

Keywords: Rural resettlementThe link policyThe theory of planned behaviourBehavioural intentionEzhou

原文刊载于:Environmental Impact Assessment ReviewAUG 2022




地址:山东省青岛市即墨区鳌山卫街道滨海路72号 邮编:266200



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