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[论文]Liu, H (Liu, Hao) ; Chen, Y (Chen, Ying) ; Ma, L (Ma, Lin):Is Urban Renewal with Campaign-Style Governance Characteristics Satisfying in China?

发布日期:2023-10-24    作者:     来源:     点击:

摘要:Urban renewal in China usually has campaign-style governance characteristics, and the impact of urban renewal on social satisfaction with public services is an important indicator of assessing performance for local governments. The study in Jinan analysed the nonlinear impact and mediating effects of the urban renewal on social satisfaction by using methods such as quantile regression and mediation analysis. Results show that first, urban renewal with campaign-style governance characteristics can obviously improve social satisfaction with public services, but the positive impacts of the urban renewal are different in three governance scenarios. The governance scenario that supplies public facilities and services after urban renewal receives the highest residents' satisfaction. Second, urban renewal with campaign-style governance characteristics has a non-linear impact on social satisfaction with public services. Third, the effect of urban renewal with campaign-style governance characteristics on social satisfaction is transmitted through the quantity of public facilities and services, but the mediating effect of their quality is not valid in a short time. Therefore, what dissatisfies the public is not urban renewal with Chinese campaign-style governance characteristics itself, but the urban renewal that lacks supporting facilities and services. Therefore, urban renewal should not only demolishes unlawful and temporary buildings, but also provides public facilities and services.

关键词:Urban renewalCampaign-style governanceSocial satisfaction, public serviceMediating effect

基金资助:Shandong Social Science Planning Project 23CGLJ24





地址:山东省青岛市即墨区鳌山卫街道滨海路72号 邮编:266200



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