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[论文]Jia, XY (Jia, Xiaoyun); Pang, Y (Pang, Yan) ; Huang, BQ (Huang, Bingqi) ; Hou, F (Hou, Feng):Understanding consumers' continuance intention to watch streams: A value-based continuance intention model

发布日期:2023-12-18    作者:     来源:     点击:

       摘要:IntroductionLive stream-watching has become increasingly popular worldwide. Consumers are found to watch streams in a continuous manner. Despite its popularity, there has been limited research investigating why consumers continue to watch streams. Previously, the expectation-confirmation theory (ECT) has been widely adopted to explain users' continuance intention. However, most current ECT-based models are theoretically incomplete, since they only consider the importance of perceived benefits without considering users' costs and sacrifices. In this paper, we propose a value-based continuance intention model (called V-ECM), and use it to investigate factors influencing consumers' continuance intention to watch streams. MethodsOur hypotheses were tested using an online survey of 1,220 consumers with continuance stream-watching experiences. ResultsResults indicate that perceived value, a process of an overall assessment between users' perceived benefits and perceived sacrifices, is proved to be a better variable than perceived benefits in determining consumers' continuance watching intention. Also, compared with other ECT-based models, V-ECM is a more comprehensive model to explain and predict consumers' continuance intention. DiscussionV-ECM theoretically extends ECT-based studies, and it has potential to explain and predict other continuance intentions in online or technology-related contexts. In addition, this paper also discusses practical implications for live streaming platforms with regards to their design, functions and marketing.

      关键词:continuance intention of watchingbehavioral intentionlive streamingECTV-ECMpost-adoption behavior

基金资助National Social Science Foundation


       Key R&D Project of Hunan Province


       Hunan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Logistics Technology, China


       Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University


             原文刊载于:FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY MAR 1 2023



地址:山东省青岛市即墨区鳌山卫街道滨海路72号 邮编:266200



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