应马奔副院长邀请,美国罗格斯(Rutgers)大学公共事务与管理学院张亚红副教授及终身教授将来我院进行Quantitative Research Methods 的授课。请硕博士研究生和其他有意者积极参加。因受学校2015年端午节放假安排的影响,张亚红教授授课时间从6月23日开始,其他不变,仍以下表为准,请拟参与授课的师生注意!
Class Time(上课时间): 8:00-12:00,June (6月)22—26 and July(7月)6—8
Class Location(上课地点):3号楼204
June 22. The Basics in Quantitative Methods 量化研究基本概念
Empirical vs. normative research, quantitative vs. qualitative research, components of a dataset, and data sources and sampling.
June 23. Measurements and Factor Analysis 测量与因素分析
Measurement levels and units, measurements of abstract concepts, approaches and procedures in factor analysis.
June 24. Multivariate Linear Regression 多变量线性回归
Specifications of linear regressions, interpretation of coefficients, hypothesis
testing, goodness of model fit, categorical-level variables as predictors, and
June 25. Essentials in Reporting Data and Analysis Results 数据分析结果报告的要点
How to meaningfully and sufficiently report data sources, sampling approaches, sample representation, measurement of variables, descriptive statistics, and
regression results.
June 26. MLE and Logit Model 最大似然估计与Logit模型
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) vs. OLS, treatment of the dependent
variable in a Logit model, interpretation of relationships, and model fit measures.
July 6. Confirmatory Factor Analysis 验证性因素分析
Exploratory factor analysis vs. confirmatory factor analysis, models in
confirmatory factor analysis, and construction of index variables vs. latent
July 7. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) 结构方程模型
Structural (path) model, theoretical diagrams, modification of SEM, and use of
SEM Builder in Stata.
July 8. Wrapping up 结束语 Summary of the course, questions and answers.
学者介绍:张亚红是美国罗格斯(Rutgers)大学公共事务与管理学院的副教授及终身教授。其学术论文见诸于公共管理领域的顶级学术期刊,如公共行政研究和理论(JPART ) 、公共行政评论(PAR )、美国公共管理评论(ARPA)、公共绩效管理评论(PPMR)等。由于在公共管理研究和服务上的突出贡献,她于2012年荣获美国公共管理协会(ASPA)妇女分会(SWPA)颁发的Julia J. Henderson 国际奖。张亚红教授的教学课程主要针对是硕博士研究生的定量研究方法。她的课程化繁为简、深入浅出,并注重在研究中的应用,受到学生和同行的高度评价。在2013 年底罗格斯大学所做的学生问卷测评(Rutgers University Student Instructional Rating)中,其教学效果和总体课程质量方面都荣获最高分—满分(5 分)。