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Mattias G. Ottervik

发布日期:2024-05-20    作者:     来源:     点击:

Shandong University, Qingdao Campus Phone: +86-178 6084 0938

School of Political Science and Public Administration E-mail: mattias@ottervik.com

Haibin Road 72, Huagang Building South, S205 Website: www.ottervik.com

Jimo District, Qingdao City

Shandong, China


School of Political Science and Public Administration, Shandong University

Associate Professor


Assistant Professor

Network Affiliation


Co-Principal Investigator, WomanStats Project


Affiliate, WomanStats Project



Ph.D. in Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2017.

M.Sc. in Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2013.

B.A. in History, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, 2004

Language Skills

English (fluent); Swedish (native); Japanese (proficient/日本语能力试验 2 );

German (proficient); Mandarin (intermediate), Latin (basic)


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Ottervik, Mattias, Haoyu Wang, and Zhen Li. Forthcoming. Operational Dilemmas and Cadre Education and Training at a County Party School. The China


Lee, Yunsoo and Mattias Ottervik. 2024. Investigating the Relationship Between Gender Equality and Citizen Trust: Evidence from Latin America. Social Science Quarterly 105(1): 242–252.

Su, Zheng and Mattias Ottervik. 2023. Stalled and Uneven? A Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Gender Attitudes in the Public Sphere in China 1995-2018. Chinese Sociological Review 55(3): 297–322.

Ottervik, Mattias and Zheng Su. 2023. Gender System and Corruption: Patriarchy as a Predictor of ‘Fairness’. Governance 36(2): 629–649.

李济时 and Mattias Ottervik. 2023. 右翼民粹主义冲击下瑞典政治变局及其政策影响——以 2022 年瑞典议会选举为中心的分析. 当代世界社会主义问题


Manta, Irina and Mattias Ottervik. 2019. Blunting the Later-Mover Advantage: Intellectual Property and Knowledge Transfer. 52 Akron L. Rev, 877–909.

Ottervik, Mattias and Shiyu Lu. 2017. Transforming Long-Term Care in Three Chinese Societies. In Transforming Societies. Edited by Ngoh Tiong Tan. New York: Routledge.

Boije, Edvin and Mattias Ottervik. 2014. Svenskarna och civilsamhället (Swedes and Civil Society). In Mittfåra och Marginal. Edited by Henrik Oscarsson and Annika Bergström. Gothenburg: Gothenburg University SOM Institute.

Publicly Available Working Papers

Esaiasson, Peter and Mattias Ottervik. 2014. Does Compliance Correlate with Political Support? Working Paper Series 2014:01. University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. (7 Citations)

Ottervik, Mattias. 2013. Conceptualizing and Measuring State Capacity: Testing the Measurement Validity of Tax Compliance as Measure of State Capacity. Working Paper Series 2013:20. University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. (88 Citations)

Non-Academic Publications

Thomas, Peter and Mattias Ottervik. 2015. Private Brand Manifesto (in Japanese). Shokuhin Shogyo, June 2015.

Thomas, Peter and Mattias Ottervik. 2012. Private Label and Brand Value (in Japanese). Hanbai Kakushin, Mar. 2012.

Thomas, Peter and Mattias Ottervik. 2011. Developing Successful Private Label (in Japanese). Hanbai Kakushin, Aug. 2011.

Thomas, Peter and Mattias Ottervik. 2011. Progressing to the Next Level of Retail (in Japanese). Hanbai Kakushin, May 2011

Research Interests

Comparative Politics; Gender & Governance; Political Economy; East Asia Studies

Courses Taught

Shandong University

Introduction to Political Science (Master’s Course), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Comparative Politics (Master’s Course), 2022-1, 2022-2, 2023-2, 2024-1

Social Science Methodology (Master’s Course), 2019, 2020

Thesis Writing and Research Methodology (Master’s Course), 2021, 2022, 2023

Professional English Research Seminar (PhD Course), 2023, 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (as Teaching Assistant)

Chinese Foreign Policy

International Organizations

Government & Politics of China (Conferred Exemplary T.A. Award)

Selected Awards and Grants

Local Governance in China (61060061520000), Shandong University 2023–2025 Food Safety & Sustainable Development, Shandong University 2020–2024

Quality of Life Project (10000086393105), Shandong University 2019–2022 Overseas Activities Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016, 2017

Exemplary Teaching Assistant Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2015

Postgraduate Studentship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2014–2017

Selected Conference Presentations and Guest Lectures


Conferences: Annual Midwest Political Science Conference


Conferences: International Studies Association Annual Convention; Korean Association of Public Administration (discussant)

Guest Lecture: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Intl. and Public Affairs 2020

Guest Lecture: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Intl. and Public Affairs


Conferences: International Studies Association Annual Convention; Engelberg TriState Region IP Workshop

Guest Lecture: Shandong University, Masters of Public Administration Programme


Conferences: International Studies Association Annual Convention; American Political Science Association Annual Meeting; Akron Law Scholars IP Forum


Conferences: International Studies Association Hong Kong; Annual Midwest Political Science Conference


Conference: American Political Science Association Annual Meeting


Conference: Foundation for International Studies on Social Security


Conference: American Political Science Association Annual Meeting

Professional Activities

Reviewer For:

World Development; International Political Science Review; International Journal of Public Opinion Research; Social Inclusion; SN Social Sciences; Journal of Asian and African Studies.


地址:山东省青岛市即墨区鳌山卫街道滨海路72号 邮编:266200



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