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Yunsoo Lee

发布日期:2022-02-28    作者:     来源:     点击:


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E-mail: yunsoolee@sdu.edu.cn


Rutgers University Newark, USA

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration     2017

Seoul National University Seoul, South Korea

Master of Public Policy                                    2011

Korea University Seoul, South Korea

Bachelor of Arts (Major: Education / Minor: Economics)  2009



Lee, Y. (2021). A tale of two countries: Trust in government and citizen attitudes

toward privatization in Chile and South Korea, International Journal of Policy

Studies.12(1), 1-21.

Lee, Y. (2021). Government for leaving no one behind: Social equity in public

administration and trust in government, Sage Open. 11(3), 1-11.

Lee, Y. (2021). The Great Recession and citizen participation, Social Science Review, 52(1),

1-16. [In Korean]

Lee, Y. (2021). Governments in need are governments indeed: The impacts of job

insecurity on trust in government, Journal of International Area Studies. 28(1), 59-72.

Lee, Y. (2021). Averting the fallouts of the Great Recession in Belgium and the

Netherlands: a research note, Public Organization Review, 21(3), 409-418.

Lee, Y. (2020). What is eating trust in government, The impacts of the Great Recession on

trust in Portuguese and Spanish government, Public Policy Research, 37(2), 1-24.

Kim, S., Lee, Y., & Kim, T. (2020). The relationship between fiscal decentralization

and trust in government: evidence from the South Korean case. International Review

of Administrative Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1177/0020852320933325

Lee, Y. (2019). The NPM legacy: The impacts of job insecurity, innovativeness, and

public employees trust in their supervisors on organizational performance,

Korean Journal of Policy Studies. 34(3), 25-49.

Lee, Y. (2019). Gender equity and trust in government: Evidence from South Korea,

Sexuality, Gender & Policy, 2(2), 132-142.

Yun, J., Lee. Y., & Mastracci, S. (2019). The moderating effect of female managers on job

stress and emotional labor for public employees in gendered organizations:

Evidence from Korea, Public Personnel Review, 48(4), 535-564.

Lee, Y. (2019). Unfinished dilemma: The conflict regarding the New Southeastern Airport in

South Korea, The Korea Local Administration Review, 33(2), 131-152. [In Korean]

Lee, Y. & Schachter, H. (2019). Exploring the relationship between trust in

government and citizen participation, the International Journal of Public

Administration.42(5), 405-416.

Lee, Y. (2018). Reconciling the conflicting impacts of transparency on trust in government,

Sogang Social Science Studies, 26(2), 40-68.

Lee, Y. (2018). The Great Recession, government performance, and citizen trust,

Journal of International Area Studies, 25(1), 57-70.

Lee, Y. (2014). Socioeconomic Determinants of the South Korean Perception on the North

Korean Refugees, Legislation and Policy Studies, 6(2), 197-222. [In Korean]

Lee, Y. (2013). The effects of working attitudes of civil servants on trust in government,

Journal of Government and Policy, 6(1), 29-47. [In Korean]  

Lee, Y. (2012). How does the relationship between central and local government affect

productivity: The mediating role of organizational commitment, Legislation and

Policy Studies, 4(1), 61-82. [In Korean]


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